01. Black Flag - TV Party Tonight
02. Nirvana - Breed
03. The Famines - I like some of the things you do
04. Despistado - A stirstick's prediction
05. Terror - Return to strength (request)
06. Red Fang - Prehistoric Dog
07. Owen Hart - 44 BLack
08. The Dead Milkmen - Punk Rock Girl (request)
09. The Queers - Punk Rock Girls
10. Sleater-Kinney - It's Enough
11. Transistor Sound and Lighting Co. - Anyways/Mayonnaise
12. Eric's Trip - Happens all the time
13. Leftover Crack - Gay Rude Boys Unite (request)
14. Disrupt - Mass Graves
15. Dystopia - Ignorance of Pride
16. DFA - With a Straight Face
17. D.R.I. - Problem Addict (request)
18. Junto! - Help
19. At the Drive In - One Armed Scissor
20. Voyd - And now that jackass is our mayor
21. NoFx - We threw gasoline on the fire and now we have stumps for arms and no eyebrows
22. Propagandhi - Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes
23. Death From Above - Cold War
24. Good Riddance - Salt
25. Fucked Up - Carried out to sea
26. Mclusky - Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues
27. The Offspring - Nitro (request)
28. You Tel Aviv - rising sun
29. Rancid - Journey to the end of East Bay
30. Slates - Shut 'em down
31. Minor Threat - I don't wanna hear it
32. Wire - 3 Girl Rumba
33. Stiff Little Fingers - Alternative Ulster
34. The Paper*Kites - (go with) the faux
35. Sylvie - Four Days
36. Strung Out - ice burn
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